Thank you Peabody Essex Museum for inviting me to celebrate another Lunar New Year Festival this Saturday. I will be doing two Jianzi (Chinese Hacky Sack) workshops, 11:30am-1pm and 1:30pm-3pm. During the workshops we will be making our own jianzi and then we’ll use them to learn how to play and learn the basic techniques of Chinese Hacky Sack. Also at 3:30pm, I get the honor of leading the ending Dragon Parade Costume that will be created throughout the day. If you’re in the area or in the mood for a little journey, come on by and enjoy a little Chinese culture. There will be lots to do.
🙂 Please visit for more info.
Off to an awesome start this new year.
Off to an awesome start this new year. Blasting our core in TRX. Building the strength and form for our ground moves (TRX Ground Knee Crunch, Side Crunch, Push-Ups, Pikes, Pendulum Swing, Planks, Atomic Variants). Utilizing medicine balls to build our balance before placing our feet into the TRX Foot Straps. And, glad to see how our TRX V-Ups have a place in your hearts. 🙂
Sword Play: Gladiators is in full battle. It’s awesome to see how everyone has adapted to using the large shield, spear, and net. Haley used the net perfectly in tangling up my sword and striking cleanly with her dagger. With the intense battles, we do have to remember to “battle safely”, (No Shield Charge, 3 Qtr Staff Push, Head shots). Of course in real battle these are very effective, we do want to be able to battle another day. 🙂
How to perform the correct push-up.
Here is a great video that explains and demonstrates the correct execution of the push-up. We pretty much focus on these points in our class, but this visual explanation is a great tool and reminder.