Welcome to FreestyleMotions!

I would like to thank you for taking the time to check out the site and to my family, friends and Enthusiasts that allow me to share my experience and knowledge.  My ultimate goal is for Enthusiasts, or students, to build their Knowledge, Fitness, Flow (Fluidity), and Expression (Style).  As you can see, this website will be covering a lot of subjects. Please use this site as an information gateway to your specific needs. There is much to fill, so please be patient as the site is constructed.

Thank You and Enjoy. – Martin “aka Spazmatic Dragon”, “aka Bboy Dragon”, “aka The FreestyleMotions Admin🙂

Disclaimer:  The technical skills described in this site should be performed if, and only if, you have the physical mobility and psychological stability needed to do so. Consultation with a doctor and/or physical fitness instructor is recommended prior to attempting these techniques if any doubts exist. Doing so after you have had an accident would ruin the purpose of the consultation. By entering/viewing this site you, and any you teach, agree that you/they will not hold the creator of this site, the ISP, or any affiliated entity responsible for the following: Injuries, paralysis, death and property damage, sustained while attempting/training the techniques described here on this site.