It’s been an awesome last few weeks of Sword Play. Great battles, new battle drills, and new battle games. Bosu to Deflection to Fatal Blow. New Battle game: Hack and Slash (Receive a served hacky sack with clean hit allows you to attack, if you miss the hacky sack, your opponent attacks). Everyone adapted to our Battlecises well, (Sword Ups w/ strikes, Sword Pivots pushup to 1 arm plank, various bosu agility strike drills). Last week was an awesome continuous battle with 1 on 1 duels with me to work on various strategies and techniques.
This Thursday will be the end of this session. Our next session will be something new. We will be covering Gladiatorial Combat, hence it shall be titled, Sword Play: Gladiators. More details to come.
And last but not least. “May the Force be with you Princess.”